A little about me, long story short:
About 16 years ago I left active duty with the Navy and applied for an internship with one of my state’s US Senators. This was a great start on my path to politics. I was finishing my BA in Political Science and now had my foot in the door of DC politics!!….at least that’s what it felt like to me. I loved the staff, they were so friendly and informative and I was seeing the inner workings of politics, it was an honor!
After a couple of months, I was telling my folks about some of the things I was doing and my mother said I didn’t seem excited. Was it possible that after managing over 300 Sailors at any given time in the Navy, that I was bored…..?? My mother quickly said “Katie, you need to figure out what makes you happy.” I went deep into thought and figured out that I liked what I did on active duty. An opportunity came to do my active duty job as a civilian/government employee, working with the Army reserves, and I took it. (don’t ask, but it turned out to be the best decision)
So, I enjoy helping veterans, whether in uniform or out of it, that is my passion, that much I have figured out. I’m blogging to share my passion with the hope that I can help a fellow veteran. Our network is like no other. All we have to utter is a simple phrase like ‘Semper Fi’ or ‘Hoorah’ and we are immediately brethren. It is because of this that I’m hoping to help you navigate the VA disability claim process and translate VA terms into normal ones.