A Drill Sergeant (DS) friend of mine was recently denied for several issues including hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in ears) “because her MOS has a low probability of noise exposure”. She also claimed joint pain in her knees and back. (By the way, there’s no exam for tinnitus, you just have to complain about it.)
When she found this out she went ape shit! The VA only looked at her DD214 and based her tinnitus & other exams on that. They didn’t consider her five years as a DS, which had her on rifle, pistol and grenade ranges weekly!! Not to mention all the ruck marches with a full load of 40 pounds, kevlar, weapon, etc and what that could do to her joints and back!!
So she is using the VA form 4138, Statement in Support of Claim, to inform the VA of her other military duties outside of her 42A MOS. (Admin for those that aren’t Army)
I’m also admin and as an officer I’ve been an MP CO, I’ve worked with Operators, been attached to squadrons and taught West Point Cadets how to shoot (3 summers). My noise exposure is not the standard of an admin Soldier.
So tell your story when you file your claim if you don’t think its obvious. You are your best advocate.