Self help

Another random meeting, this time a Vietnam Veteran….

My XO called me one day and told me about his landscaper, who we’ll call Alex, being a Vietnam Veteran and only being at 10% with the VA. Over the next few weeks my XO asked me question after question, doing his own research (he’s good like that) before hitting me up for clarification. Eventually we made a date for …

Self help

Why 18 months matters, 30k ft view

You’ve made the decision to leave the military, now what do you do? (Sorry for the long post) TAPS: You’ll be taking a transition assistance class of some sort 18 months to a year out from your anticipated ETS/retirement date. I believe the Navy and Army call it TAPs. One of the briefings that you’ll get is from the VA. …

PCC/PCI aka your Checklist for filing a disability claim

1. Fill out VA form 0966, Intent to File. This preserves your effective date for payment (not needed for those coming off active duty) and gives you 12 months to gather your documents to file your claim. This can be used for every claim, not just your first one. Consider this a bookmark in time, while you’re pulling everything together …

Tell your story, you’re more than just a MOS/Rate…

A Drill Sergeant (DS) friend of mine was recently denied for several issues including hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in ears) “because her MOS has a low probability of noise exposure”. She also claimed joint pain in her knees and back. (By the way, there’s no exam for tinnitus, you just have to complain about it.) When she found this …

True story about a Marine and his claim….

I have been able to help many I know personally with their disability claims. Some were strangers and now they aren’t.   Some were friends that never knew how it worked.  So far my favorite story goes like this….. I was out bra shopping at Maidenform and I was catching up with the manager Jessica (I’m a regular). The VA was …